Jumaat, 28 Jun 2024

Di Blogger sejak Jun 2016

In every life we have some trouble but when you worry you make it double

Don't worry Be happy

- Bobby McFerrin - 


Tengah keseorangan ni.

Jumaat kan rehat agak panjang.

Nak keluar malas

cuaca dah mendung. Macam nak hujan lebat.

Buka blog kita berjalan lah kat blog member

Pastu teringat... eh nak tukar gambar lah.

pergilah kat profil

Pastu tiba-tiba baru terperasan

"Di Blogger sejak Jun 2016"

aik.. mana pergi 7 tahun sebelum?

tu je nak bagi tahu


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Di Blogger sejak Jun 2016

In every life we have some trouble but when you worry you make it double Don't worry Be happy - Bobby McFerrin -  .........................